Mister 28 Percent

It Can Always Get Worse for Mister 28 Percent

Tough times for Mister Bush! According to Karl Rove and his stenographic pals in the corporate-owned press, Mister Bush's big fight with the Democrats over the Iraq War was supposed to give a big boost to the Decision Maker-in-Chief's approval rating. That worked about as well as Mister Bush's Katrina response and his latest Iraq 'surge' plan.

As it turns out and as the polls asking whose side the people were on in the Iraq-timetable-for-withdrawal-debate had predicted, George W. Bush's favorability rating plunged below the 30 point mark and now rests precariously -- according to a Newsweek Poll -- at the extremely unimpressive number of 28 percent.

It is somewhat tempting to say that the good news is that it can't get any worse for Mister Bush. But, if that is the "good news," what would the bad news look like? Well, it appears that the only people still supporting Mister Bush are the extremist Republican evangelical Christians, John McCain, Rudy Giuliani and the Decider's parents. Notice Laura Bush wasn't included in that count. A rumor on the "internets" has it on so-so authority that she, like the nation, has had it with 'The Decision Maker' and is on her way out the door. Don't believe it? Get on "the Google" and check it out. And, if loyal Laura is done with Mister Bush, Barney probably has had it, too!

So, comparatively speaking anyway, that things can't hardly get worse for Mister Bush is almost good news. After all, getting kicked to the curb by your wife and dog is about bad as it gets. But, when you're at 28 percent and feelin' lower than a snake's nipple, it can always get worse and for Mister Bush, believe it or not, it does get worse.

How? Well, it turns out that the extremist Republican evangelical Christians, John McCain, Rudy Giuliani and his parents aren't the only people who approve of Mister Bush and his latest Iraq 'surge' plan. If there is some teensy al Qaeda element lurking in the shadows of the United States -- of course, hating us for our freedom and liberty -- they are big time supporters of Mister Bush's latest Iraq 'surge'.

Seriously, when al Qaeda's number two, Ayman al Zawahiri, caught wind of the Democratic plan to begin withdrawing troops from Iraq, he pitched a very Bush-like hissy fit! The Democratic plan, he insisted, "...will deprive us of the opportunity to destroy the American forces which we have caught in a historic trap...We ask Allah that they only get out of it after losing 200,000 to 300,000 killed, in order that we give the spillers of blood in Washington and Europe an unforgettable lesson."

Indeed, it is tough times for Mister Bush! Karl Rove and the corporate-owned media had promised him that a big fight with the Democrats over the Iraq War would boost his standing among the people. And, as it turns out, it did...for 28 percent of the people and al Qaeda everywhere, Mister Bush's tussle with the Democrats has made him a true hero.


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