Newt Gingrich



Newt Gingrich is certainly not the only Republican who has cheated on more wives than Bill Clinton, but he has to be at the top of the list. Newt's brazen serial adultery and pathetic sexual addiction are almost beyond belief. Here's the full story in chronological order, perhaps for the first time.

Newt's callousness is legendary. Like telling his first wife that he was dumping her as she lay in a hospital bed recovering from cancer surgery. It is also absolutely true. But it is only one example of Gingrich's self-centered arrogance and his rampant sexual addiction. There is a long string of stories about how he has used women over the years.

As you read this keep in mind that this guy has a pass to the Bush White House. He is the man neo-colonialists who control America's foreign policy want for our next secretary of state after they get rid of Colin Powell.


Noted author Gail Sheehy conducted lengthy interviews with Gingrich and many of his acquaintances from the early days of his career, well before he became a Congressman. Many of those friends worked in Newt's early campaigns until, disgusted with his sexual antics, they left him. From Gail Sheehy's The Inner Quest of Newt Gingrich, originally published in Vanity Fair magazine and published again by FRONTLINE Online, we found the following:

Prior to 1974 - Antics with wives of fellow faculty members

Kip Carter was a fellow faculty member at West Georgia College where Newt and his first wife Jackie Gingrich met and married. Kip was a volunteer in Newt's first two Congressional campaigns. "Kip Carter, who lived a few doors down from the couple, saw more than he wanted to. 'We had been out working a football game --- I think it was the Bowdon game --- and we would split up. It was a Friday night. I had Newt's daughters, Jackie Sue and Kathy, with me. We were all supposed to meet back at this professor's house. It was a milk-and-cookies kind of shakedown thing, buck up the troops. I was cutting across the yard to go up the driveway. There was a car there. As I got to the car, I saw Newt in the passenger seat and one of the guys' wives with her head in his lap going up and down. Newt kind of turned and gave me his little-boy smile. Fortunately, Jackie Sue and Kathy were a lot younger and shorter then.'"

1974 - Newt has at it with a young woman in his first Congressional campaign

". . . Newt showed a propensity for the kind of behavior boys boast about in the locker room. Throughout his first campaign he was having an affair with a young volunteer. Dot Crews, who occasionally drove the candidate, says that almost everybody involved in the campaign knew. Kip Carter claims, 'We'd have won in 1974 if we could have kept him out of the office, screwing her on the desk.'

At about this time, "The Gingrichs entered marriage counseling, but Newt continued to behave as if other people's rules didn't apply to him. Dot Crews observes, 'It was common knowledge that Newt was involved with other women during his marriage to Jackie. Maybe not on the level of John Kennedy. But he had girlfriends --- some serious, some trivial.'"

1976 - Newt beds another woman married to a West Georgia College professor

"One of those women, Anne Manning, became romantically involved with Gingrich during his '76 campaign. The curly-haired young Englishwoman, then married to another professor at West Georgia . . .was an avid volunteer in Newt's Carrollton office. 'I did have a relationship with him,' she discloses for the first time, 'but when it suited him, he would totally blow you off.'

In the spring of 1977, she was in Washington to attend a census-bureau workshop when Gingrich took her to dinner at a Vietnamese restaurant. He met her back at her modest hotel room. 'We had oral sex,' she says. 'He prefers that modus operandi because then he can say, 'I never slept with her.' Indeed, before Gingrich left that evening, she says, he threatened her: 'If you ever tell anybody about this, I'll say you're lying.'"

1980 - Newt dumps his first wife while she is in the hospital recovering from cancer surgery

Jackie Gingrich told Gail Sheehy, "He walked out in the Spring of 1980. . . By September, I went into the hospital for my third surgery. The two girls came to see me, and said, "Daddy is downstairs. Could he come up?" When he got there, he wanted to discuss the terms of the divorce while I was recovering from my surgery."

Newt also told Sheehy, "She isn't young enough or pretty enough to be the President's wife." The hospital visit wasn't the end of it, either. Jackie had to take Newt to court to get him to support her and the girls. It was so bad that the utilities were about to be cut off.

Early 1981 - Newt marries second wife Marianne Ginther

After dumping Jackie, Newt made it official with second wife Marianne Ginther. But by mid 1989, his second marriage wasn't doing that well either. Newt and Marianne had separated. "Frankly", she told the Washington Post in June 1989, "it's been on and off for some time."

Marianne told Gail Sheehy she didn't want Newt to run for President. "I told him if I'm not in agreement, fine, it's easy. I just go on the air the next day, and I undermine everything. I don't want him to be president and I don't think he should be."

1993 - Newt takes up with a young Congressional aide half his age

In 1994, several newspapers had reported that Newt Gingrich was dating and living with Callista Bisek, a "willowy blond Congressional aide 23 years his junior. Biske, then 33, had been spending nights at Gingrich's apartment near the Capitol and had her own key.

Reporters and other Washington insiders had known about "Newtie and his Cutie" since 1994, even before Gingrich became Speaker of the House, but they did not have solid proof. In 1995, Vanity Fair magazine described Bisek as Gingrich's "frequent breakfast companion." Gingrich was married to Marianne during all of that time.

According to MSNBC, Bisek sang in the National Shrine Choir and Newt would often wait for her at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, listening to her sing while he read the Bible.

In a column on in August 1999, Amy Reiter reported that, "While most press outlets have reported that Newtie and his cutie have been consorting for at least three years, whispers that the Gingster might have horned in on brassy Bisek more like five years ago have wafted (our) way. Big deal? Well, it might be. If it turns out that the two were indeed nuzzling noses before the hard-blowing, nimble-fingered young lady was installed in her cushy $55,000 congressional aide job (sniff if you like, that's biggish bucks for a lowish-level government worker without a whole lot of prior Hill experience). Such timing would raise the same sort of ethical questions Clinton faced when it appeared his good buddy Vernon Jordan may have pulled some high-placed strings at Revlon on behalf of a certain unthankful thongstress."(Monica Lewinsky)

Reiter also suggested that Gingrich resigned as Speaker when Dick Armey and Tom DeLay threatened to expose Newt's dalliances in a coup to depose him.

If you have ever wondered why, amid all his attack politics, he spoke out so little about Bill Clinton's trysts in the Oval Office, now you know.

For an excellent insight into the life and mind of Newt Gingrich, read "The Inner Quest of Newt Gingrich" at FRONTLINEonline at And for your own amusement, go to any search engine and search on "Newt Gingrich and oral sex".

Leaders Knew Rev. Was Gay

As it turns out, this is starting to happen. Reportedly James Dobson
has bailed from the attempts to "de-gay" Haggard, and no less than
Lou Sheldon of the Traditional Values Coalition has now admitted that he--and
other dominionist leaders--knew about Haggard's affair with Mike Jones for months
before it broke the mainstream news but kept it under the rug.

The following article from The Jewish Week, as quoted in an an
article on Talk to Action
, notes:

Then, as if things could not get worse, there was the disgrace of Sheldon's
own friend and colleague, Rev. Ted Haggard, the Colorado mega-church leader
and president of the National Association of Evangelicals, an even bigger
pillar of Republican support on the Christian right. Sheldon disclosed
that he and "a lot" of others knew about Haggard's homosexuality
"for awhile ... but we weren't sure just how to deal with it."

Months before a male prostitute publicly revealed Haggard's secret
relationship with him, and the reverend's drug use as well, "Ted
and I had a discussion," explained Sheldon, who said Haggard gave him a
telltale signal then: "He said homosexuality is genetic. I said, no it
isn't. But I just knew he was covering up. They need to say that."

This is a bombshell on multiple levels, folks:

a) This likely explains why Dobson--after agreeing to be on a "dream
team" of "reparation therapists" who would try to de-gay Ted
Haggard--rather dramatically bailed from the "dream team" recently claiming time

There has been speculation in the anti-dominionist community that Dobson may
have been afraid that personal scandals of his own might be revealed; if Haggard
is admitting that "homosexuality is genetic" (which is much closer to
the mainstream view held by most scientists than the dominionist view which
insists sexual orientation is a "choice"), it could well be that
Dobson does not want to risk a very public failure with Haggard's
"de-gaying" and having his name linked to it.

b) High level dominionists--very high level dominionists--have been
apparently hiding what they knew would be an incredibly explosive scandal and
have been desperately attempting damage control for several months now.

For those unfamiliar with the Rev. Louis Sheldon, he's head of the Traditional
Values Coalition
--an influential dominionist group which is one of the very
few dominionist groups organised as a 501(c)4--and also so vociferously anti-gay
that the Southern Poverty Law Center formally considers it a hate group on the same
ranking as the Ku Klux Klan or neo-Nazi groups
. The TVC actually got
its start from an early California initiative that would ban gay teachers--as it is, the
Traditional Values Coalition is one of the few "old guard" dominionist
groups still standing. The TVC is also known as one
of the most vociferously anti-gay dominionist groups in the United States
some respects, even more so than the American Family Association. (It is
of note that Frank Simon--a Kentucky dominionist leader who illegally endorsed Anne Northup and other Republican candidates in past--started his
career as one of the most anti-gay dominionist leaders in the US as head of the
state branch of the Traditional Values Coalition in the early 80's.)

Sheldon and crew have quite the quotable list of anti-gay speech. People for the American Way document some rather shocking quotes from Sheldon:

Quotes from Louis Sheldon:

"As Homosexuals continue to make inroads into public schools, more
children will be molested and indoctrinated into the world of homosexuality.
Many of them will die in that world." ("Homosexuals Recruit Public
School Children," by Louis Sheldon, special report, Vol. 18, No. 11)

"Americans should understand that their attitudes about homosexuality
have been deliberately and deceitfully changed by a masterful
propaganda/marketing campaign that rivals that of Adolph Hitler. In fact, many
of the strategies used by homosexuals to bring about cultural change in
America are taken from Hitler's writings and propaganda welfare manuals."
("Homosexual Propaganda Campaign Based on Hitler's `Big Lie'
Technique," by Louis Sheldon, special report, Vol. 18, No. 10)

"Give us a few more years under the belt and we will learn how to
replace many of the school board members. Give us more time to understand how
the system works, and we'll work the system even better than one could ever
imagine." (CNN News, 9/2/90)

"There is a war waging in America. The battle is over values, beliefs
and the cultural basis of western civilization.... the elitist avant-garde
arts community uses the NEA to advertise and disseminate their political
beliefs. The NEA then uses our scarce tax dollars to fund works which are
intended to shock Americans into an acceptance of dysfunctional behavioral
lifestyles and to destroy the family." (Hearing on the NEA, 4/91)

(Incidentially, that "Nazi" comment above--this is a reference to a very
interesting blood-libel promoted in the dominionist community, and originally
appearing in the book The Pink Swastika, claiming that not only were
gay men not killed in the Holocaust but that gays were the primary architects
of the Holocaust and that the majority of the Nazi Party were homosexual men.
There is an annotated version of the book online; the book has surprisingly common currency in the dominionist community, including frank promotion by dominionist groups like AFA-KY.
The "Homosexuals = Nazis" meme is a very common form of
blood-libel against LGBT persons in the dominionist community in general.)
documents similar stuff from Sheldon, including an interesting new flavour of
gay-bashing--literal comparison to the Nazi Party, whilst proposing literal concentration
for LGBT individuals:

Gays are like Hitler and Gestapo

"The Rev. Lou Sheldon, president of the Traditional Values Coalition,
said the 'hate crime' designation is increasingly going to be applied against
those who believe homosexuality is wrong. 'What Hitler began to build against
the Jews is now being built against people of faith who believe the Scriptures
are valid for today and their injunctions against certain sexual behaviors is
correct,' he said. Several years ago, homosexual activists disrupted a similar
conference of his in Sacramento, he said, 'but I didn't have the finances to
get a lawyer. For a long time we were the target of their wrath. Now other
people are surfacing against them, thank God. If you don't agree with
[homosexual activists], they use Gestapo tactics to stop you.' - Washington
Times, Tuesday, October 27, 1998, Page A2

Sheldon for quarantining AIDS patients

"Reverend Louis Sheldon of the Traditional Values Coalition has come
out in favor of quarantining AIDS patients in what he calls 'cities of
refuge.' " - Mark E. Pietrzyk, News-Telegraph, March 10, 1995.

Gays are amoral extremists

"If the Ameircan people are shocked by all of the same-sex smooching
that is on television, wait until they see an American president kissing up to
the wealthiest extremists of the amoral left." Andrea Sheldon,
quoted by People for the American Way, "Hostile Climate," 1988, p.9.

That's not all--far from it. Rainbow Alliance documents some of the other...shall we say...interesting
quotables from Traditional Values Coalition. TVC also happens to be one of
the major promoters of the work of discredited "researcher" Paul Cameron.

So, with that background, now you should know just how
explosive this could be--the leader of one of the most vociferously
anti-gay groups in the country, one which has literally advocated placing LGBT
people in concentration camps and compared them to literal Nazis, actively
aided, abbetted and protected a dominionist leader who came out as gay to them
and even noted disagreement with the prevailing theory of sexual orientation in
the dominionist community

Needless to say, if this gets more exposure in the press, this could well be
the end of Sheldon's career...and possibly the careers of other dominionists as

Posted on

More GOP Outings

With less than a week before the election and amid Virginia Senator George
Allen's commitment to an amendment to the Virginia Bill of Rights banning state
recognition of civil unions or domestic partnerships for hetero- and homosexual
couples, comes additional chatter about the large number of open and closeted
male homosexuals working in top positions in Allen's Senate office. Allen is
described by Capitol Hill insiders as having a relationship with one of his gay
Senate staffers that is "closer" than his relationship with his wife

Allen's closeted homosexuality has long been the subject of interest ever
since his time as Governor of Virginia. Allen, according to informed sources in
Richmond, was a frequent visitor to private clubs in the state capital that
catered to gay clients. The rumors about Allen dogged him from Richmond to
Washington, especially after it became well known that Allen's DC hiring
practices favored young gay men. Allen was also one of three U.S. Senators who
received contributions from Rep. Mark Foley, who resigned after soliciting sex
from underage male pages. The other two are Rick Santorum and Jim Talent.

The closeted homosexuality of Allen as an issue of hypocrisy of top GOP
leaders is sure to affect turnout and support by Christian fundamentalists in
downstate Virginia, thus boosting the chances of Democratic candidate Jim Webb.
Similar allegations of hypocrisy also surround Florida gubernatorial candidate
Charlie Crist, Pennsylvania Rep. Phil English, California Rep. David Dreier,
North Carolina Rep. Patrick McHenry, Louisiana Rep. Jim McCrery, California Rep.
Dana Rohrabacher, Idaho Senator Larry Craig, and Utah Senator Orrin Hatch.

Posted At

Dobson Outed

Denver Post calls out James Dobson

The times are changing. Just two years ago we learned that papers owned by the Denver Post protect David Dreier by hiding his relatonship with his lover, Brad Smith. Today, , it's good to see the Post call on Dobson to look into hypocrisy in the GOP:

And now, like a resounding thunder-clap of right-wing hyporcrisy, Ted Haggard has reportedly conceded to engaging in some of the activities described by gay prostitute Mike Jones. I just read about this, by the way.

Well, well, well. What an interesting web we weave. I wonder if James Dobson knew about this all the time. To quote the famous line: what did James Dobson know, and when did he know it? Jamie, darling, enquring minds wish to know.

Bruce Carlton Jordan

Crist and Jordan - the Hall Statement

In a sworn statement, recorded on video, Dee Dee Hall describes what Bruce Carlton Jordan told her about his alleged sexual relationship with Republican gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist.

As Bob Norman explains in his story,

"Crist Denies Trysts II, Hall's boyfriend Jay Vass was a pilot known for flying Republican bigwigs around the state. Vass gave his own sworn statement, also stating that Jordan on numerous occasions spoke openly of his relationship with Crist.

GO TO THE STORY..............

Echo Chamber

Audio of Bob Norman of Broward New times Outing Charlie Crist or was it Tom Gallagher outing Charlie

send this link out Far and wide

This audio is 13 megs takes a while to load


From The Jim Defede Show

Gallagher behind outing Crist

The Sequel Has Dropped

Gallagher and Crist

From Bob Norman Broward New Times

Okay, the new Crist story is on the New Times home page. One of the main knocks against the first story was that it used anonymous sources (whom I knew to be credible). Well, this one’s got two named sources who I also believe to be credible and a videotaped sworn statement to back it up. NT is going to post the video today (Wednesday).

Also, I’ve already gotten a new tip regarding the source of money for the private investigator who was tracking Crist and the gay rumors. The cash came from … drum roll, please … the Tom Gallagher campaign. The campaign apparently gave the money to Tallahassee attorney Steve Andrews, who is named in the story, and Andrews then paid the P.I. That’s what I hear anyway.

And, hey, that sounds a lot like politics.